Sunday, September 4, 2016

Becoming Princess

I was a dirty and angry out of control child. Growing up was never on my mind, nor were the wishes of anyone else. When I was young and growing up there were not many constants in my life other than my family and Disney. I was quite often a terror to those around me. I bullied my classmates, stole from every store I went in and was fairly convinced that everyone was lesser than I. My mindset was a very skewed point of view. I only ever thought of myself and what people could do for me.

Into my teens, I moved to yet another new town. This time around, my family was split even deeper than before. I began to get a little lost in my own head at this stage in my life. I was finally in a town for more than a year at a time, but so many things were different. One of those things was me. I am not sure if it came with age or with gaining real friends, but my mindset slowly began to change. I started to think about my actions and others opinions. By no means was this the point where I truly began to put others before myself, but it was the beginnings of something new. My friends at the time gave me princess for a nickname as a joke. It was one that was meant to question things about me and make fun of me for having such girly interests.

As I got older and graduated school, I made a move to a new town to venture into a new adventure for self-realisation. I came to a new town for school but ended up finding out who I am and who I want to be someday.  It required many late nights with lots of alcohol. I found out that I still was not a person who put the needs of others before their own needs. After finding out who I was, seeing who I wanted to be was easy. I needed to become someone who has others to live for.

I wound up meeting someone who I wanted to put before myself. She came into my life and helped me see that the only thing holding me from being a princess who helps all those in need, is me. She was unaware that she was helping me so deeply, but she ended up being my guiding light. In a way, she put my needs before her own without even giving it a second thought. She was the princess who helped me realize that I can do it too.

Some princess get their title from birth while others get it by proving that they have all the pure qualities of a princess. As a princess, there are certain expectations and ideals that are expected of you. You must be a model citizen and a guiding light to those who need direction. You must hold yourself to a higher standard and go beyond the call of duty for your people. It is essential that you learn to care for people while still being able to distance yourself, as to not get too emotionally attached to any one person. When people see you, you must gently smile and pleasantly greet them.

I've still a long way to go before I am a princess who undoubtedly deserves the title but I now know that I can help others the way I have dreamt of. I hope to be able to share the journey of becoming a princess with everyone here on this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post. I'm impressed that you were willing to get so personal so early on in your posts. Very brave and appreciated!
